Kevin Phillips came to PFC looking to improve his performance in preparation for an attempt at the US 40-44 age group 1 hour cycling record. As a lifelong athlete, Kevin had long been at a performance plateau and was looking to PFC to provide him with that last bit of un-tapped potential.
After analyzing Kevin's blood and diet, PFC was able to develop a plan to increase power, endurance and recovery during the 6 month preparation period. The unique training time (late in the afternoon) presented challenges for the athlete, PFC was able to balance a plan that provided the necessary "fuel" for the extended (3 hour) workouts, late in the afternoon AND provide a post workout schedule that promoted recovery AND allowed the athlete to get to sleep without any digestive challenges.
The end result was a drop of over 6% body fat with zero weight loss, the increase in lean mass allowed a gain in strength and endurance, and a new US National Record for the 1 hour of 45.7111 meters .